Monday, September 8, 2008

Tater, my Bull Terrier

Okay, so I have to admit, when my husband suggested getting a bull terrier, I told him I didn't think I could love a dog that looked like that. I know, that is not a very nice thing to say, but I grew up with the ever popular cocker spaniel. They have the puppy face every little girl dreams of. So, my husband kept talking them up and we finally went to a dog show. Once I saw an English Bull Terrier in real life, I was hooked. He is just a puppy, now 7 months old, so he does those normal puppy things that drive me insane, but I love him and he has been a great addition to the family. Here are a couple of pictures of the little trouble maker...

I know it was not very nice of me to take his picture with my wide angle lens, but I just couldn't help it. I don't think he would mind, he is a sweetheart and has a great sense of humor.


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