Tuesday, September 23, 2008

First Day in Alaska

Well, I finally made it to Alaska. That is quite a trip from Dallas. I'm exhausted. However, I did not just go to my room and sleep. Instead, I drove around and tried to find a non-chain place to eat. My son ended up getting very upset the night I left, so I promised him I would blog as soon as I could. So, I also drove around trying to find stuff to take pictures of. It was raining when I landed and has not stopped since I have been here. Apparently, it has been a very rainy summer here. So, I got what photos I could. I stopped at a really pretty park.

These pictures don't do the park justice, but you can see the mountain in the back.

I scared this poor duck away.

The ground is so lush here, this was everywhere you looked, pretty colors.

Aydin, I'd like to see you try to climb this tree...

I was tired from traveling, it was raining, and I didn't spend the time needed to get great photos, but Aydin I promised you I would post pictures, so this is what I got today.

I love you Lillian and Aydin. I will be home soon.

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