Thursday, September 25, 2008

Getting lost

I finally got my wish. It stopped raining, however, it stayed cloudy. Here are my pictures for the day...

This is my view from my hotel room, the south side of Anchorage...

After work, Tim, the editor of my magazine, told me about Kincaid Park, he said I was sure to see wildlife there. First I walked around for hours and got lost. But it was very pretty.

Then, I came upon my first wildlife friend. He chatted away at me. I don't think he liked me very much...
This was my second friend to come upon. He was sweet and posed for me a lot. I got a lot of great shots of him. Isn't he pretty?
This moose was the first of four I saw at Kincaid park. He looked both ways before crossing. What a smart boy!
I was told to never get between a moose and her baby, but I didn't think she would ever let me get this close.
Doesn't this moose remind you of Tater?

Good night Lillian and Aydin. I will be home soon.

Lillian, I hope you are keeping up with training Tater.
Aydin, I hope your spore characters have evolved.

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