Thursday, December 25, 2008

Happy TImes

It has been a while since I have been here. But sometimes, you just want to talk about things that have nothing to do with anything. Like the fact that I had an amazing Christmas. First off, my kids are at the perfect age. My daughter wrote santa a note last night asking him, how does he do it? That simple. I found that to be so cute. She also put a p.s. of please take some cookies to Mrs' Claus. How cute is that? Also, my husband got me a book of David Carson's Design. I have the first two, then never bought the third, named Trek. One of those things, I was into, then I had kids, and things just didn't seem as important as they were before kids. Well, my kids seem to be surviving, so, I found myself through graphic design again. I miss my old friend of design, and welcome to be influenced again. I can't wait to see what 2009 brings.

I love my life. See you again soon my friend, blog.

To make things even better, my nine year old still thinks I'm cool and hugs and kisses me every day.

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