Friday, November 14, 2008

Growing up!

I have been super busy with Bella Bee lately. Things are looking good. We have been blessed with lots of work, and that makes me really happy. However, that has left me with little time for this blog. Check out Bella Bee's new blog. Follow us at I have worked long hard hours on it, and it's paid off. Although, I'm not completely done with the design, I'm getting close and it's ready for action. I will probably never be done, those of you who know me, I'm a complete perfectionist (well, about some things, no, my house is not spotless). I just always feel things can always be better so I make adjustments to things until I can tell I'm driving my husband insane, and then I finally realize enough is enough and usually stop. So, my point is, if I have not blogged here for a while, and you really want to know what I am up to, you should check out Bella Bee's new blog, that is where all my extra effort has been going these days.

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