Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Kids and weddings

I shot a wedding the other weekend in Austin. The wedding was wonderful, however this blog is not for wedding pictures, but I loved some of the moments I captured of the children at the wedding, so I decided to post them here. To see the wedding, check out Bella Bee's blog, this wedding should be posted soon.

This little boy was the son of the groom, and posed like this every time he saw me coming. Someone must of told him he MUST smile, even if he doesn't want to. 

This is his brother. Same smile most of the time. His grandfather on the left, was quite the photographer of the family, and the boys were quick to smile for him.
This little girl was super cute. She is at that age where she is too old to be playing with the little kids, but not quite grown up yet either. She is keeping a look out to make sure the groom does not get a peak at the bride before the ceremony.
This little girl could not be seen with out her teddy bear, she was all for posing for the camera. So cute!

Look at that hair! So cute, in the next photo he is about to ask the little girl above to dance.
Kids always seem to be the first ones out on the dance floor.

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